George Mavitzis | Montreal & Toronto Wedding Photographer Destination International

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George Mavitzis Photography | Theatre St James | Montreal & Toronto Urban Wedding

I think I stumbled into this wedding, no joke. Without the long story, it was as simple as Adam rolling down his car window and yelling do you want to shoot my wedding!”  Their extravagant but maintaining a genuine and down to earth feel. This says a lot about Lisa and Adam. Everyone in Montreal knows him and everyone in Montreal should get to know Lisa. Sweetness in both but in different flavours. The complete list of everyone involved is below.

Caterer-Brera Catering Company

Venue- Theatre St James

Dress-Di Carlo Couture


Flowers-Luluthia Designs

Bar Service-Brahm Mauer


Hair- MtlFashionistaaa Coiffure Blunt

Hotel-Le Mount Stephen

Balloons-Haute Balloon
